Name: convmv
Summary: Convert filenames to a different encoding
Version: 1.15
Release: 1
License: GPL
Group: Applications/File
Description: convmv converts filenames (not file content), directories, and even whole
filesystems to a different encoding. This comes in very handy if, for example,
one switches from an 8-bit locale to an UTF-8 locale or changes charsets on
Samba servers. It has some smart features: it automagically recognises if a
file is already UTF-8 encoded (thus partly converted filesystems can be fully
moved to UTF-8) and it also takes care of symlinks. Additionally, it is able
to convert from normalization form C (UTF-8 NFC) to NFD and vice-versa. This
is important for interoperability with Mac OS X, for example, which uses NFD,
while Linux and most other Unixes use NFC. Though it's primary written to
convert from/to UTF-8 it can also be used with almost any other charset
encoding. Convmv can also be used for case conversion from upper to lower case
and vice versa with virtually any charset. Note that this is a command line
tool which requires at least Perl version 5.8.0.
The build was succesful. The following RPMs were generated:
The build was succesful. The following RPMs were generated:
The spec file used by the build system currently has the following contents:
# $Id$ # Authority: dries # Upstream: Björn JACKE <bj$sarnet,de> ### EL5 ships with convmv-1.10-1.el5 %{?el5:# Tag: rfx} ### EL4 ships with convmv-1.08-3.EL %{?el4:# Tag: rfx} Summary: Convert filenames to a different encoding Name: convmv Version: 1.15 Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPL Group: Applications/File URL: Source:{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root Buildarch: noarch BuildRequires: perl Requires: perl %description convmv converts filenames (not file content), directories, and even whole filesystems to a different encoding. This comes in very handy if, for example, one switches from an 8-bit locale to an UTF-8 locale or changes charsets on Samba servers. It has some smart features: it automagically recognises if a file is already UTF-8 encoded (thus partly converted filesystems can be fully moved to UTF-8) and it also takes care of symlinks. Additionally, it is able to convert from normalization form C (UTF-8 NFC) to NFD and vice-versa. This is important for interoperability with Mac OS X, for example, which uses NFD, while Linux and most other Unixes use NFC. Though it's primary written to convert from/to UTF-8 it can also be used with almost any other charset encoding. Convmv can also be used for case conversion from upper to lower case and vice versa with virtually any charset. Note that this is a command line tool which requires at least Perl version 5.8.0. %prep %setup %build %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %{__make} install DESTDIR="%{buildroot}" PREFIX="%{_prefix}" %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-, root, root, 0755) %doc Changes CREDITS TODO %doc %{_mandir}/man1/convmv.1* %{_bindir}/convmv %changelog * Mon Sep 05 2011 Dag Wieers <> - 1.15-1 - Updated to release 1.15. * Fri Dec 12 2008 Dries Verachtert <> - 1.14-1 - Updated to release 1.14. * Mon Dec 01 2008 Dag Wieers <> - 1.13-1 - Updated to release 1.13. * Thu Jan 24 2008 Dag Wieers <> - 1.12-1 - Updated to release 1.12. * Thu Jan 24 2008 Dag Wieers <> - 1.11-1 - Updated to release 1.11. * Fri Mar 09 2007 Dag Wieers <> - 1.10-2 - Fixed group. * Tue Aug 15 2006 Dries Verachtert <> - 1.10-1 - Initial package.