Name: ipw3945-kmod
Summary: Kernel module for Intel® PRO/Wirelss 3945 network adaptors
Version: 0.0.73
Release: 1.
License: GPL
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Description: This RPM contains a binary Linux kernel module built for %{kernel}. It
provides a driver for Intel® PRO/Wireless3945 based wireless network
The build could not start because the following file is missing: ipw3945-0.0.73.tgz
The build could not start because the following file is missing: ipw3945-0.0.73.tgz
The spec file used by the build system currently has the following contents:
# $Id$ # Authority: matthias # ExclusiveDist: fc4 fc5 # Stuff to be implemented externally : Source10: kmodtool %define kmodtool sh %{SOURCE10} # End stuff to be ... # Temporarily hardcoded : %{!?kver: %define kver 2.6.16-1.2080_FC5} %ifarch i686 %define kvariants "" smp xen0 xenU %endif %ifarch x86_64 %define kvariants "" xen0 xenU %endif %define kmod_name ipw3945 %define kverrel %(%{kmodtool} verrel %{?kver} 2>/dev/null) %{!?kvariants: %global kvariants %(%{kmodtool} variant %{?kver} 2>/dev/null)} Summary: Kernel module for Intel® PRO/Wirelss 3945 network adaptors Name: %{kmod_name}-kmod Version: 0.0.73 Release: 1.%(echo %{kverrel} | tr - _)%{?dist} Group: System Environment/Kernel License: GPL URL: Source0:{version}.tgz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root # ExclusiveArch to assist the FE build system. ExclusiveArch: i686 x86_64 %description This RPM contains a binary Linux kernel module built for %{kernel}. It provides a driver for Intel® PRO/Wireless3945 based wireless network adapters. # magic hidden here: %{expand:%(%{kmodtool} rpmtemplate %{kmod_name} %{kverrel} %{kvariants} 2>/dev/null)} %prep # To understand the magic better or to debug it, uncomment this : #{kmodtool} rpmtemplate %{kmod_name} %{kverrel} %{kvariants} 2>/dev/null #sleep 5 %setup -c for kvariant in %{kvariants}; do cp -a ipw3945-%{version} _kmod_build_$kvariant done %build for kvariant in %{kvariants}; do ksrc=%{_usrsrc}/kernels/%{kverrel}${kvariant:+-$kvariant}-%{_target_cpu} cd _kmod_build_$kvariant make KSRC="${ksrc}" IEEE80211_INC="${ksrc}/include" cd .. done %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} for kvariant in %{kvariants}; do %{__install} -D -m 0755 _kmod_build_${kvariant}/%{kmod_name}.ko \ %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kverrel}${kvariant}/extra/%{kmod_name}/%{kmod_name}.ko done %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %changelog * Fri Mar 31 2006 Matthias Saou <> 0.0.73-1 - Initial RPM release, based on the new Extras kernel module template, unfortunately the build fails and would require replacing the ieee80211 kernel stack with a more recent one, which can't be done without messing with files installed by kernel and kernel-devel packages.