
Name: latex-xft-fonts
Summary: xft-compatible versions of some LaTeX fonts
Version: 0.1
Release: 2
License: distributable
Group: User Interface/X
URL: <(none)>
Description: Latex-xft-fonts contains xft-compatible versions of LaTeX fonts for use with visual math symbol display in LyX. You will need to install this package if your version of Qt is using Xft for displaying fonts.

CentOS 7 x86_64

The build was succesful. The following RPMs were generated:

Build Status

CentOS 6 x86_64

The build was succesful. The following RPMs were generated:

Build Status


The spec file used by the build system currently has the following contents:

# $Id$
# Authority: bert
# Upstream: <lyx-devel$lists,lyx,org>

# ExclusiveDist: el2 el3 el4 el5

Summary: xft-compatible versions of some LaTeX fonts
Name: latex-xft-fonts
Version: 0.1
Release: 2%{?dist}
License: distributable
Group: User Interface/X

BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root

BuildArch: noarch
Requires: chkfontpath
Requires: fontconfig

Latex-xft-fonts contains xft-compatible versions of
LaTeX fonts for use with visual math symbol display
in LyX. You will need to install this package if
your version of Qt is using Xft for displaying


%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}

%{__make} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}


if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
	/usr/sbin/chkfontpath -q -r %{_datadir}/fonts/latex-xft-fonts

%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)

* Fri Jun 04 2004  Bert de Bruijn  <>
- some minor fixes (macro's, other standards) for inclusion
  in rpm repositories.

* Fri Dec 20 2002  John Levon  <>
- Initial version