Name: libXvMCW
Summary: Wrapper for run-time loading of XvMC libraries
Version: 0.9.3
Release: 1
License: MIT
Group: User Interface/X
Description: A Wrapper for XvMC libraries that allows the X server or user to specify the
hardware dependent library at run-time.
The build could not start because the following file is missing: libXvMCW-0.9.3.tar.gz
The build could not start because the following file is missing: libXvMCW-0.9.3.tar.gz
The spec file used by the build system currently has the following contents:
# $Id$ # Authority: matthias %{?fc4:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?el4:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?fc3:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?fc2:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?fc1:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?el3:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?rh9:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?rh7:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?el2:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?rh6:%define _without_modxorg 1} %{?yd3:%define _without_modxorg 1} Summary: Wrapper for run-time loading of XvMC libraries Name: libXvMCW Version: 0.9.3 Release: 1%{?dist} License: MIT Group: User Interface/X URL: Source:{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root %{!?_without_modxorg:BuildRequires: libX11-devel} %{?_without_modxorg:BuildRequires: XFree86-devel} %description A Wrapper for XvMC libraries that allows the X server or user to specify the hardware dependent library at run-time. %package devel Summary: Development files for the XvMC library wrapper Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description devel A Wrapper for XvMC libraries that allows the X server or user to specify the hardware dependent library at run-time. This package contains the files required to build software that will use the XvMC Wrapper. %prep %setup %build %configure %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %{__make} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-, root, root, 0755) %doc README %config %{_sysconfdir}/X11/XvMCConfig %{_prefix}/X11R6/%{_lib}/* %files devel %defattr(-, root, root, 0755) %{_prefix}/X11R6/include/X11/extensions/vldXvMC.h %{_prefix}/X11R6/%{_lib}/libXvMCW.a %exclude %{_prefix}/X11R6/%{_lib}/ %{_prefix}/X11R6/%{_lib}/ %changelog * Mon Jan 3 2005 Matthias Saou <> 0.9.3-1 - Spec file cleanup. - Split off -devel package. * Thu Sep 23 2004 Thomas Hellström <> - Initial release