
Name: plone
Summary: Content management system built over Zope's framework
Version: 2.0.4
Release: 0.1
License: GPL
Group: System Environment/Daemons
Description: The Zope Content Management Framework provides a set of services and content objects useful for building highly dynamic, content-oriented portal sites. As packaged, the CMF generates a site much like the site. The CMF is intended to be easily customizable, in terms of both the types of content used and the policies and services it provides.

CentOS 7 x86_64

The build could not start because the following file is missing: Plone-2.0.4.tar.gz

Build Status

CentOS 6 x86_64

The build could not start because the following file is missing: Plone-2.0.4.tar.gz

Build Status


The spec file used by the build system currently has the following contents:

# $Id$
# Authority: matthias

%define real_name      Plone
%define real_version   2.0.4
%define zope_minver    2.6.4

%define zope_home      %{_prefix}/lib/zope
%define software_home  %{zope_home}/lib/python

Summary: Content management system built over Zope's framework
Name: plone
Version: 2.0.4
Release: 0.1%{?dist}
License: GPL
Group: System Environment/Daemons
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: zope >= %{zope_minver}
BuildRequires: python

The Zope Content Management Framework provides a set of services and content
objects useful for building highly dynamic, content-oriented portal sites. As
packaged, the CMF generates a site much like the site. The CMF is
intended to be easily customizable, in terms of both the types of content
used and the policies and services it provides.

%setup -n %{real_name}-%{real_version}

# Not much, eh? :-)

%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}/%{software_home}/Products
%{__cp} -ap * %{buildroot}%{software_home}/Products/

%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}

%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
# There's an annoying /usr/local/bin/python in there
%exclude %{software_home}/Products/GroupUserFolder/doc

* Wed Oct 20 2004 Matthias Saou <> 2.0.4-0.1
- Update to 2.0.4.

* Fri May 14 2004 Matthias Saou <> 2.0.2-0.1
- Update to 2.0.2.
- No longer require zope-cmf, it seems provided now.

* Wed Mar 24 2004 Matthias Saou <> 2.0-0.3
- Update to 2.0 final.

* Thu Mar  4 2004 Matthias Saou <> 2.0-0.2.rc6
- Update to 2.0-rc6.

* Thu Feb 19 2004 Matthias Saou <> 2.0-0.2.rc5
- Initial RPM release.